Modbus is yet an other master-slave PLC protocol used over both serial lines as well as TCP/IP networks. The latter, of which the specifications can be found here, is the subject of this implementation.
In contrast to the ABB Comli implementation, there are no specific features to use the Modbus software implementation in an OSGi environment. As such, the bundle is merely a library. The library however uses the channel abstraction also used by the Comli implementatin and therefore the IO library is needed as well.
The implementation can be used as Modbus master as well as Modbus slave. For both sides implementations exist. It is best to have a look at the example/test bundle for the usage. Or have a look at the Javadoc.
As indicated, the bundle uses the aVineas IO library for handling the socket interface. Furthermore, it uses Apache Commons logging as logging facility.
org.avineas.io_1.0.1.jar - the aVineas IO library bundle
org.avineas.modbus_1.0.0.jar - bundle with the code
test.avineas.modbus_1.0.0.jar - bundle with example code