Because we use open source software in our projects and products, it is nothing more than logical that we give some of our software back to the open source community. This site contains descriptions, code and binaries of that software.
The software is licensed under the Apache license, not because we did a thorough comparison of open source licenses, but just because it is in wide-spread use and doesn't contain any restrictions to using the code or the result of that use.
The downloads contain both the binaries and sources. This is done since our experience with open source software is that we want to have a look at the code, but 9 out of 10 times don't want to build it our-self.
Since we favor OSGi, all Java code is distributed in OSGi bundle jars. This should in practice mean that you can just use the jar in a non-OSGi environment or load the code into your favorite OSGi framework without any modifications. Of course you need to fulfill the dependencies, but these are listed with the downloads. None of the bundles contain bundle requirements (via Require-Bundle), all dependencies are done via package imports. The source of the dependency jars we use are listed with the downloads.