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Getting JEE standards to work on OSGi is not always an easy task. There are efforts to bridge the gap between OSGi and JEE standards, but it is not closed yet. From OSGi perspective, the OSGi enterprise specification tries to investigate and find solutions to bring JEE standards to the OSGi environment. From JEE perspective, the reference implementations use OSGi as backing technology or at least try to become more OSGi friendly. Next to that, lots of different open source projects are present that work on getting (parts of) the JEE standards to OSGi.


We are currently in the process of investigating (and developing) a solution for getting JPA, JTA, CDI and JSF onto a plain OSGi framework. The progress is reported via a blog, software is kept on github.

As development and testing is not completed yet, we won't publish bundles here. Documentation is available as PDF but not completed yet.

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