aVineas.org aVineas open source Java code


FINS is the protocol that is used by Omron PLCs to communicate via a standard IP network, which is normally the local LAN. The bundle provided here contains an implementation of the FINS protocol using UDP/IP (a.k.a. FINS/UDP). Details of the protocol are extensively documented by Omron in documents on the Omron technical download center, but since the layout of that site changes frequently, it is very difficult to find the correct manual via that site.


Basically, by using the software, a Java class can interact with PLCs as if it is just another unit in a FINS network. This makes it for example possible to write data in PLCs or read from PLCs. Or, vise versa, allow PLCs to write or read data from virtual addresses at the Java side. For this the Java code must implement the Unit interface and register the unit with a communication gateway (provided by the bundle by means of the Gateway class). The gateway communicates with other nodes in the network.

Details are provided in the Javadoc and an example is given in the test bundle (TestUnit.java and Activator.java).


The bundle depends on the standard OSGi core and compendium interfaces if run in an OSGi environment (not required otherwise). Furthermore, it uses Apache Commons logging as logging facility.


org.avineas.fins_1.0.0.jar - bundle with the code
test.org.avineas.fins_1.0.0.jar - bundle with example code

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