Package org.avineas.fins

Basic interfaces and related classes for the Omron FINS protocol implementation.

See: Description

Package org.avineas.fins Description

Basic interfaces and related classes for the Omron FINS protocol implementation. Contains all functionality to be able to communicate to Omron PLCs using the Omron FINS protocol.

Global use

In a FINS environment, all autonomous functional parts that communicate with each other are called units. As such, software that wants to communicate with other parts in a network must play this unit role. Units can send commands to each other to which the receiving unit response with an answer. The contents of this answer depends on the command, for example: a command that writes data at a specific range of (virtual) addresses just sends a status as response. This while for example a read command expects that the response contains the data requested.

In this package, software that wants to communicate with other units must implement the Unit interface. For receiving data, a callback method must be implemented that should handle the command and return a response. For sending data, the interface contains an injection method to which a Transmitter instance is passed. That instance can be used to send packets to other units.

Units must be wired to Gateway instances, either by adding them to the gateway for example via dependency injection or -in an OSGI environment- by registering the Unit as an OSGi service. In that case the service property "fins.unit.address" must contain the FINS address in the string format as expected by the Address class.

Related Documentation

The FINS protocol is described in documents from the Omron technical web site.